Mar Gómez Glez - Centro Dramático Nacional

Mar Gómez Glez


Mar Gómez Glez (Madrid, 1977) lived in the United States for twelve years, where she completed her PhD in Cultural Studies at New York University. During her time in the US, she premiered several plays in New York and Los Angeles. In 2021 she was a finalist for the Nadal Award with the novel Una pareja feliz.

She is a versatile writer who has cultivated multiple genres—author of the essay Mi secreto para mí. Otra lectura de Teresa (2003), the short novel La edad ganada (2016), and the children’s novel Acebedario (2005). Her theatre plays have received  the Calderón de la Barca 2011 (Cifras) and Beckett 2007 (Fuga mundi) awards.

She is currently working on hybrid projects, such as the circus-teather Trasbordo; the comedy Proyecto Don Juan o la seducción del siervo; the object theatre play Paraíso blanco; and the contemporary opera iSalve.

She collaborates with the newspaper EL PAÍS and is a university lecturer.

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