Master class with Alfredo Sanzol - Centro Dramático Nacional

Master class with Alfredo Sanzol

Places must be reserved in advance until full capacity is reached. This event is aimed primarily at Dramático Professionals.

Teatro Valle-Inclán | Sala Mirlo Blanco

How to participate:Detailed information with booking instructions will be emailed to members of Dramático Professionals on the Monday prior to the event. Requests will be accepted in strict order of arrival.

27 MAY from 10am to 1pm##1####1## If places are available, attendance will be opened up to the general public.

I would like to share some thoughts on how important humour has been in my writing and directing process. It has helped me to talk about the conflicts that make up reality, to manage the pain of memory, to create possibilities for solutions, to travel with characters to worlds that have helped me visualise my fears. This is a class in which I want to look inside my writing and directing to renew objectives. Something like taking stock of journeys past before embarking on a new one. If you have been able to see some of my work it will be a pleasure to talk about it; if not, it will be a pleasure to talk about whatever inspires you in the class. I think that’s the real purpose of the event. It will make me feel useful to inspire your own creativity.


Alfredo Sanzol

Alfredo Sanzol

Playwright and theatre director with a degree in Law from the University of Navarra and in Stage Direction from the RESAD. His work is characterised by its humour, the stylistic inventiveness with which it examines issues relating to his personal experiences and circumstances, and by his commitment to research into new dramatic structures. With a profound knowledge of theatrical craft, throughout his career he has alternated directing his own texts with adaptations of repertory plays.

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With a career that began more than twenty years ago with Steven Berkoff’s Greek (1999), a new phase in his career opened with his role as director of the Centro Dramático Nacional in January 2020. Many of his works have premiered in INAEM venues, including the Centro Dramático Nacional, the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, and the Teatro de la Zarzuela. He has written and directed stage productions such as Risas y Destrucción (2007), Sí, pero no lo soy (2008), Delicadas (2010), Días estupendos (2010), En la luna (2011), Aventura! (2012), La calma mágica (2014), La valentía (2018), and others he has adapted and directed, including La cabeza del Bautista (2009), Esperando a Godot (2013), Luces de bohemia (2018), La dama boba (2017), and El barberillo de Lavapiés (2019).

As director of the Centro Dramático Nacional he has premiered Macbeth (2020), El bar que se tragó a todos los españoles (2021), and El Golem (2022).

Sanzol won the National Dramatic Literature Prize in 2016 for his play La respiración and the 12th Valle-Inclán Theatre Prize in 2017 for La ternura. He has been distinguished with the Theatre Award of the Community of Madrid and with an Honour from the Government of Navarre for his professional career. He has won eight Max Awards for the Performing Arts, including five as Best Author and three for Best Show.