La Pira - Centro Dramático Nacional

La Pira

Alfredo Sanzol, Victoria Szpunberg, Eva Mir, Pau Miró, Andrea Jiménez y Noemi Rodríguez, Juan Mayorga, Pablo Remón, Denise Despeyroux and Lucía Carballal.

#Dramático publications are available before and after performances at Teatro María Guerrero and Teatro Valle-Inclánand at these bookstores


Product details

Price: 10 euros · No. pages: 146 · Collection: New Collection No. in the collection: 1 · Language: Spanish · Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-84-9041-399-9 · Year of publication: October 2020 · Place of publication: Madrid, Spain



Stories written to urgently relate the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. The Centro #Dramático Nacional kept going, continuing online when all the theatres were closed, and La Pira premiered as a live streaming, without an audience, using the theatres in a way that had never been done before.

Nine writers worked on La Pira; this was a necessity, to create a project in which the plurality of voices reflected the plurality of experiences in our society.


Writers' biographies

Lucía Carballal

Lucía Carballal

Dramaturg and television scriptwriter. All her works are concerned with contributing something to the present, of capturing what is in the air which has yet to be verbalised.

© marcosGpunto

Denise Despeyroux

Denise Despeyroux

Author, stage director and philosophy graduate. She defends the concept of dramaturgy as a demiurge of other potential worlds, with their own laws, but other worlds that simultaneously help us to delve into the mysteries of the one we are in.

© Kiku Piñol

Andrea Jiménez and Noemi Rodríguez

Andrea Jiménez and Noemi Rodríguez

Artistic co-directors from the company Teatro en Vilo. Together they write and direct, occupying the fine line between theatre and life, fiction and reality.

© marcosGpunto

Juan Mayorga

Juan Mayorga

Degree in Philosophy and Mathematics. Dramaturg, screenwriter, director of the School of Performing Arts at
Madrid’s Universidad Carlos III, and teacher of Dramaturgy and Philosophy at RESAD. His deep, committed work has crossed national borders,
to be translated and performed on major European stages.

© marcosGpunto

Eva Mir

Eva Mir

Author and stage director. Every word, every theme and every universe is continually challenged to a new
device, and for her, that is where the magic lies. In the uncertainty of making ideas matter. For her, this is theatre.

© Zuania Muñiz Meléndez

Pau Miró

Pau Miró

Actor, dramaturg and director. Trained in the Sala Beckett, his writing has hints of acidity and melancholy, surrounding the crepuscular.

© Jordi Soteras

Pablo Remón

Pablo Remón

Scriptwriter, dramaturg and stage director, he knows that theatre can go as far as you want it to go. The theatre is the oldest and the most modern – at the same time.

© Vanessa Rábade

Alfredo Sanzol

Alfredo Sanzol

Author, stage director and law graduate, he is the current director of the Centro Dramático Nacional. He seeks
the development of writing techniques that enhance the stories residing in our subconscious; the creation
of styles that support our themes. And he also enjoys putting them on stage.

© Bárbara Sánchez Palomero

Victoria Spunzberg

Victoria Spunzberg

Director and dramaturg in the Dramaturgy department of the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona (Theatre Institute of Barcelona). For her, every process demands different ingredients. The important thing is not losing sight of the work – or not losing your own self too much in the process – with all the complexity this entails. She likes to think of writing as an escape and, at the same time, resistance.

© Kiku Piñol